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On Thursday February 17, Stefano Paterna successfully defended his PhD Thesis on “Advanced Methodologies for Planning and Scheduling Payload Operations for Planetary Exploration Missions”.

Congratulations Stefano!


RSLab achieved important research results in 2021 on both Earth Observation and Planetary Exploration and the related topics. Some relevant numbers are as follows:

•  32 papers published on peer-reviewed international journals in 2021
•  21 papers accepted on peer-reviewed journals (in press in 2022)
•  4800+ (Source: Google Scholar) / 3100+ (Source: Scopus) citations in 2021
•  4 projects running with the role of Principal Investigator (3 European/Italian Space Agency, 1 EU H2020)
•  4 projects running with the role of partner (2 EU H2020, 1 JPL/USC, 1 Italian Space Agency)
•  Top positions of the Lab in international ranking of research
•  4 international/national awards
•  3 graduated PhD students
•  Many public outreach activities (newspaper and magazine interviews, public presentations, etc.)

The figure reports the cloud of words built with the titles of the 2021 journal papers. More details are available on this website.

We wish you a Happy 2022!


A scaled model of the RIME antenna – Radar for Icy Moons Exploration (Principal Investigator: Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone) together with a simplified model of the JUICE spacecraft is under test at ESTEC ETS Test Centre facility. Several tests were performed, for different solar array orientations, with the objective of collecting data to be compared with simulation results for design and verification approach validation.

On Monday November 15, Lei Ding successfully defended his PhD Thesis on “Novel Methods for the Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images”.

Congratulations Lei!


On Monday November 8, Iwona Podsiadlo successfully defended her PhD Theses on “Methods for the analysis of time series of multispectral remote sensing images and application to climate change variable estimations”. The defense was done in virtual mode due to the restriction related to Corona virus.

Congratulations Iwona!

The ExtremeEarth team and RSLab will present the results of the H2020 ExtremeEarth project regarding innovative AI and bigdata technologies for Earth observation data and how they have been used for food security and the polar regions.

At this link you can find the program meeting room information.

Lorenzo Bruzzone has been in a documentary on the national RAI television to talk about the radar sounder RIME on board the European Space Agency mission JUICE and how we can take inspiration from bats to improve the processing of the related datadata for exploring the subsurface of the Jupiter icy moons.

The  documentary is at the following link on RaiPlay in Ep. 7 (“Chirotteri”) starting at minute 29:30.

The H2020-MSCA-IF project MCAPEFA (Low-cost multispectral camera for Precision Farming Application) has started at Remote Sensing Laboratory of the University of Trento (RSLab UniTrento). The project’s aim is to improve the adoption of precision farming in small farms by developing multispectral camera.

More info:

European Space Agency has selected in the past weeks the EnVision mission to Venus as the M5 mission of the Comsic Vision programme. RSLab has the leadership of the Subsurface Radar Sounder (SRS) for Envision.                                                                                                                                                                                   

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Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone  is ranked 3rd at Italian level and 393rd worldwide in the Guide2Research Top Scientists Ranking  in the field of Computer Science and Electronics. He leads in the ranking the Univeristy of Trento, contributing to the third place in Italy (97th worldwide) of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science in the Research University Ranking. This has been pointed out by  local media.

Link to the news on the UniTn website