RSLab is looking for strongly motivated candidate PhD students having excellent study career and interested in research activities in artificial intelligence, remote sensing and radar in the context of Earth observation and/or planetary exploration. Applications in the framework of the National PhD Program in Space Science and Technology at the University of Trento are open under Curriculum 3 (Planetary Sciences) and Curriculum 6 (Engineering and satellite platform technologies). The RSLab positions are:

  • Curriculum 3 (Planetary Sciences) (3C) Analysis of planetary radar data with artificial intelligence methodologies (F83C23000070005)  » details
  • Curriculum 6 (Engineering and satellite platform technologies) (6M) ASI SPACE IT UP SPOKE 5 – Artificial Intelligence and machine learning for the analysis of multisensory and multitemporal Earth observation data (CUP E63C24000530003) » details

More information on the application procedure can be found here.

Closing date: July 16th, 2024, hrs. 04:00 PM (CEST)

Duration: 3 years