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The RIME Science Operation Center (SOC) at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Trento has been inaugurated and presented to the press!

At the SOC scientists and engineers will define and generate the telemetries for commanding RIME, simulate RIME acquisitions in different scenarios expected on the Jovian icy moons and process data acquires by RIME during the mission.


A Science Magazine article looks at ESA’s JUICE mission and RIME, the ice-penetrating radar studied and developed under the leadership ofthe RSLab. JUICE will reach Jupiter in more than 7 years and spend 3 years exploring the icy moons. During these 3 years, RIME will investigate the icy shells of the Galilean moons, looking for the presence of possible pockets of water in the first 9 km under the icy crust.

See below for the article.

-459Days -14Hours -35Minutes -34Seconds

The very important italian contribution to the JUICE mission has been presented to the italian press in Florence on March 10th. RIME (Radar for Icy Moon Exploration) has been presented as a key instrument for revealing the mysteries hidden in the subsurface of Galileian moons Ganymede, Europa, Callisto.

Below more information from press and media coverage.

Ludovica Maria Beati received the award for the Best Italian Master Theses on Geoscience and Remote Sensing by the Italian Chapter of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.

The award was presented to the best three Master Theses defended in the period June 2021 – May 2022. The title of the Master Theses is “Time series change vector analysis for land cover change detection in time series of multispectral images” (Advisors: L. Bruzzone, F. Bovolo, M. Zanetti).

Arianne 5 parts are coming together in the launch vehicle in Kourou for the launch of JUICE scheduled on April13th, 2023.


Intégration EPC au BIL, le 28/02/2023. | EPC integration at BIL. 02/28/2023.

Transfert EAP1 du BSE au BIL, le 28/02/2023. | EAP1 transfer from BSE to BIL. 02/28/2023.

Below more information from the ESA news.

Core of Juice’s Ariane 5 rocket prepared for launch

Juice’s Ariane 5 booster transferred to launch vehicle integration building

Global Science

The JUICE Spacecraft has reached the spaceport in Kourou where the final operations for the preparation for the lauch have started. The baseline launch date is April 13th, with a launch winodw that extends  up to the end of April.

Below more information in few selected items from media coverage related to the arrive of the spacecraft at Kourou.

FBK celebrates the Women in Science day with Francesca Bovolo. ESA JUICE mission will soon start its journey. Destination? Ganymede! Read more about here

Parth Naik successfully defended his PhD Thesis on “Advanced Techniques For Prediction of Forest Above Ground Biomass Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data.” The thesis, co-supervised by Michele Dalponte and Lorenzo Bruzzone, was the results of a collaboration between the Fondazione Edmund Mach and the University of Trento.

Congratulations to Parth!

Announced the departure of the ESA’s spacecraft JUICE (Jupiter for ICy moon Explorer) from the Toulouse facilities to the Kourou base in French Guiana for launch in the second half of April.

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