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Posts Tagged / projects

Climate Change and Remote Sensing: RSLab on the Press

Interview of Prof. Bruzzone on the European Space Agency project that RSLab is coordinating on the use of remote sensing satellites for land cover mapping for climate change monitoring and analysis. The interview is published on the national magazine “La Nuova…
  • Dec 10 / 2018
  • News

A testing time for RIME Antenna

ESA engineers tested A 1:18 scale model of the RIME antenna – Radar for Icy Moons Exploration (Principal Investigator: Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone) together with a simplified model of the JUICE spacecraft in the ESTEC’s HERTZ facility. Several tests were…

New Big Data Project on Climate Change

RSLab is the coordinator of an important new project of European Space Agency (ESA) funded in the framework of the Climate Change Initiative, which is the flagship scientific program of ESA. This is the first project of this important program that has an Italian…
  • Aug 28 / 2018
  • News

ExtremeEarth: From Copernicus Big Data to Extreme Earth Analytics

RSLab got a very important new project in the framework of the very challenging ICTcall of Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme of European Commission (average proposal success rate of 8%). The ExtremeEarth  project will concentrate on developing…


Another key milestone toward the implementation of the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) has been achieved.…

RIME Antenna Field Test

A field test has been recently carried out on the antenna of the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration – RIME (Principal Investigator: Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone) that will be on board the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE).…

RSLab on “Focus”

The November 2016 issue of the “Focus” magazine includes an article on planetary oceans which contains an interview to Prof. Bruzzone in relation to the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) on the JUICE (JUpiter ICy moon Explorer) mission of European…