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Posts Tagged / Earth Observation

  • May 16 / 2022
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H2020 ExtremeEarth: the crop type mapping problem

The H2020 ExtremeEarth project has concluded successfully, developing artificial intelligence techniques for the automatic analysis of remote sensing images. In the project RSLab had the leadership in the design and development…
  • Nov 16 / 2021
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Extreme Earth Online Workshop

The ExtremeEarth team and RSLab will present the results of the H2020 ExtremeEarth project regarding innovative AI and bigdata technologies for Earth observation data and how they have been used for food security and the polar regions.…
  • Jun 28 / 2019
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IEEE GRSM Top Journal in Remote Sensing

The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (GRSM) is ranked as the top international scientific  journal in the area of Geoscience and Remote Sensing.…

Trento Film Festival: RSLab on the Media

Francesca Bovolo gave a public  talk on “Satellite technology for preserving environment and mountains” on Sunday, 28 April. This event was in the spotlight of local media.…
  • Apr 23 / 2019
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RSLab at Trento Film Festival

RSLab is involved in the 67th edition of “Trento Film Festival”, an international event focused on mountains and cultures organized every year in Trento. This year the focus is on climate change, slow walking and mountaineering.…

Climate Change and Remote Sensing: RSLab on the Press

Interview of Prof. Bruzzone on the European Space Agency project that RSLab is coordinating on the use of remote sensing satellites for land cover mapping for climate change monitoring and analysis. The interview is published on the national magazine “La Nuova…