Climate Change and Remote Sensing: RSLab on the Press
Interview of Prof. Bruzzone on the European Space Agency project that RSLab is coordinating on the use of remote sensing satellites for land cover mapping for climate change monitoring and analysis. The interview is published on the national magazine “La Nuova…
New Big Data Project on Climate Change
RSLab is the coordinator of an important new project of European Space Agency (ESA) funded in the framework of the Climate Change Initiative, which is the flagship scientific program of ESA. This is the first project of this important program that has an Italian…
Envision and RSLab on Local Media
The selection on the EnVision mission to Venus and the key role of RSLab in the mission have been reported on local media.
JUICE ground control gets green light to start development of operations
ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer – JUICE – in which RSLab is the Principal Investigator of the “Radar for Icy Moon Exploration” (RIME) passed an important milestone, the ground segment requirements review, with flying colours, demonstrating that the…
RSLab on Nature
A research developed at RSLab has been published on the very prestigious Nature Communication scientific journal. The paper “Solving for Ambiguities in Radar Geophysical Exploration of Planetary Bodies by Mimicking Bats Echolocation” by L. Carrer and L.…
Another key milestone toward the implementation of the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) has been achieved.…
RIME Antenna Field Test
A field test has been recently carried out on the antenna of the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration – RIME (Principal Investigator: Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone) that will be on board the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE).…
RSLab on International Press with a Radar for Detecting Lunar Lava Tubes
The paper “Detection of Lunar Lava Tubes with Orbiting Radar Sounder Systems,” by L. Carrer, C. Gerekos and L. Bruzzone (presented at the European Planetary Science Congress 201, Riga, Latvia) has raised large interest not only in the scientific community…