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Thales Alenia Space recently delivered the protoflight model (PFM) of Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) that will explore Jupiter’s icy moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto onboard the ESA’s JUICE mission. These are the final units of the instrument that now will be integrated inside the JUICE spacecraft to complete a long set of tests to ensure that every part is working nominally and, finally, being ready for the launch scheduled on June 2022.

RSLab has a leading role in this mission. Lorenzo Bruzzone is the RIME Principal Investigator while Francesca Bovolo is the instrument manager.

“Many theories have been proposed on the subsurface structure of Jupiter’s icy moons since their discovery by Galileo, theories that have sparked the imagination of so many scientists”, said Lorenzo Bruzzone. “This is a first step in the direction of advancing our scientific understanding of the Jupiter moons. For the first time, we may be able to solve some mysteries and take a look under the surface, searching for water”.

The JUICE spacecraft (right) and part of the RIME team together the EQM units of the instrument (left).

More info about this:

On November 12, 2020 Francesca Bovolo attended “Senti che Scienza” on the topic “Remote sensing to study the Earth evolution”. “Senti che scienza” runs every Thursday on Radio Dolomiti (regional radio channel)  within “pianoM” program. It tells about research activities at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) and is conducted by Michelangelo Felicetti, with the support of Matteo Serra (FBK e Cittadini per la scienza).

Watch it on FaceBook.
Listen to the podcast.

The development  of the  JUICE mission (for which RSLab has the responsibility of the RIME instrument) is progressing fast despite the pandemic situation. A video showing the activities in progress at spacecraft level can be found here.


NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory recently delivered the radio frequency subsystem of  the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME, of which Lorenzo Bruzzone is the Principal Investigator) that will explore Jupiter’s icy moons Europa, Ganymede and Callistion onboard the ESA’s JUICE mission.

JPL’s responsibility was to make and deliver the transmitter and receiver – the pieces that send out and pull in radio signals – as well as the electronics that help those pieces communicate with RIME’s antenna. Now that the components have been delivered to ASI in Rome, the next steps are to test and integrate them before assembling the instrument.

More info here:

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photnics) Conference on Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing 2020 will run in a virtual mode, September 21-24, 2020 with free registration.

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A research developed at RSLab by analyzing satellite images acquired by the planet constellation points out that the amount of total suspended matter in the Venice lagoon has been halved after the first 10 days of lockdown due to COVID-19 in March 2020. The same study also points out that the amount of total suspended matter has been doubled during the exceptional tides of November 2019. The study (which has been published on an international scientific journal) has spread to the general public by different newspapers.

The study has been published here.

The past week the  EQM (Engineering Qualification Model) of the Radar for icy Moon Exploration (RIME, of which Lorenzo Bruzzone is the Principal Investigator) was delivered to Airbus in Toulouse for the final integration on the spacecraft EM (Engineering Model). This is an important milestone before the PFM (Protoflight Model, the version that will fly) delivery. RIME is onboard the Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE) of the European Space Agency that will be launched on 2022 to explore the Jupiter system.

More details on the EQM delivery here

According to the Academic Ranking of World University, the University of Trento is ranked the first place in Italy, and 19th worldwide, in the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2020 for the field of Engineering, subject Remote Sensing.

Remarkable result for all the researchers working on this topic at the University of Trento, and in particular for the Research Group on Remote and Distributed Sensing and the related Remote Sensing Laboratory of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, coordinated by prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone.

more info here

On Friday May 29, Sudipan Saha succesfully defended his PhD Theses on “Advanced Deep Learning based Multitemporal Remote Sensing Image Analysis”. The defense was done in teleconference due to the restriction related to Coronavirus.

The committee awarded him the PhD in Information and Communication Technology.

Congratulations to Sudipan!

On Thursday April 23, Christopher Gerekos and Sanchari Thakur succesfully defended their PhD Theses. Christopher defended the thesis “Advanced Backscattering Simulation Methods for the Design of Spaceborne Radar Sounders” and Sanchari the thesis “Advanced Methods for Simulation and Performance Analysis of Planetary Radar Sounder Data.” The defense was done in teleconference due to the restriction related to Coronavirus.

The committee awarded both of them the PhD in Information and Communication Technology.

Congratulations to Chris and Sanchari!
