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Begüm Demir has been elevated to Senior Member of the IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

Some of the Remote Sensing Laboratory research activities are presented
at “Campus italia,” which has been broadscasted by RAI International. The video (in italian) is available at
the following link (starting at minute 10:38)

RSLab is the Principal Investigator (Prime contractor) of a project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) on the analysis of multitemporal images acquired by the ESA Sentinel 2 satellite constellation.

The project aims at defining the scientific methods and the related prototype algorithms for addressing three main challenges with the multispectral and multiresolution Sentinel 2 images:
1) change detection; 2) analysis of image time series; 3) updating of land-cover maps.

The algorithms should be tested on three full European countries in view of the definition of global products.

The project CRYOMON-SciPro (Improve the Science of Processes within the Cryosphere by Integrating Hydrological Modelling with Remote Sensing in a Multi-Level Data Fusion Approach – a Contribution to Cryosphere Monitoring in the EUREGIO Region) has been selected. RSLab is one of the key partners of the project. The project is focused on the fusion and integration of remote sensing techniques with other data sources and with modeling for Cryosphere.

RSLab is involved on a new project approved by Italian Space Agency on the development of an airborne radar with both nadir looking sounding and synthetic aperture imaging capabilities.

The radar will work in P band and is developed for applications related to criosphere, water detection in arid/desert areas, archaeology and forestry.

Prof. Bruzzone will give an invited  keynote Talk as Distingushed Lecturer at the Viriginia Chapter of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sesnsing Society in Maryland on November 6, 2015

Francesca Bovolo has been nominated Associate Editor of Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS). JARS is a publication of the SPIE international society for optics and photonics.
Find more about JARS here

Begüm Demir will give a talk on ‘Recent Advances in Remote Sensing Image Classification’ on the 29th of October at CiTIUS – Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

For the details, please visit here.  The talk can be watched during and after the presentation on CiTIUS YouTube channel.

Lorenzo Bruzzone is the recipient of the very prestigious  “2015 Outstanding Service Award” presented by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). This is a major award and one of the highest honors in the remote sensing field presented  to recognize an individual who has given outstanding service for the benefit and advancement of the geoscience and remote sensing society. The main factors considered for assigning the award are: international leadership, innovation, outstanding activity, breadth of cooperation and participation. The award is considered annually but not presented if a suitable candidate is not identified.

Prof. Bruzzone is the first Italian scientist of ever recipient of this very prestigious award.

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Prof. Bruzzone will give a Keynote Talk in the opening session of the “8th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp 2015)”, which will be in Annecy, France in the period July 22-24, 2015. The title of the talk is “The Time Variable in Remote Sensing: Past, Present and Future Challenges.”
The MultiTemp workshop series was established in 2001 by the RSLab which also hosted in Trento the first edition of this international workshop.
Read more on MultiTemp 2015 at http://www.multitemp2015.org/