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Posts By / Lorenzo Bruzzone

RSLab Numbers in 2019

RSLab achieved important research results in 2019 on both Earth Observation and Planetary Exploration and the related topics.

EnVision on the Spanish Press

EnVision and other missions related to Venus are presented and discussed in an article on the Venus exploration published on “Muy Interesante” (which is a magazine for the general public in Spain) in October…

Outstanding Paper Award

The paper “Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Denoising ” by A. Maffei, J.M. Haut, M.E. Paoletti, J. Plaza, L. Bruzzone, A. Plaza got the prestigious Outstanding Paper Award at WHISPERS 2019.…
  • Jun 28 / 2019
  • News

IEEE GRSM Top Journal in Remote Sensing

The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (GRSM) is ranked as the top international scientific  journal in the area of Geoscience and Remote Sensing.…

Interview on the EnVision Mission

Media INAF has published an interview with prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone on the EnVision mission of the European Space Agency to Venus, which is currently under Phase A study.…

Trento Film Festival: RSLab on the Media

Francesca Bovolo gave a public  talk on “Satellite technology for preserving environment and mountains” on Sunday, 28 April. This event was in the spotlight of local media.…
  • Apr 23 / 2019
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RSLab at Trento Film Festival

RSLab is involved in the 67th edition of “Trento Film Festival”, an international event focused on mountains and cultures organized every year in Trento. This year the focus is on climate change, slow walking and mountaineering.…
  • Apr 19 / 2019
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EnVision Advances

The study of the EnVision mission to Venus is advancing fast. On April 15-16 there was an important meeting involving the international NASA-ESA Science Study Team, the instrument Principal Investigators and the System Engineering Working Group.…
  • Apr 18 / 2019
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EnVision website on-line

The new website of the EnVision mission to Venus is on-line. It contains information on the science and the technology related to the mission and describes the instruments and teams involved in the mission.…