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Posts Tagged / climate change

Interview on the EnVision Mission

Media INAF has published an interview with prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone on the EnVision mission of the European Space Agency to Venus, which is currently under Phase A study.…

Trento Film Festival: RSLab on the Media

Francesca Bovolo gave a public  talk on “Satellite technology for preserving environment and mountains” on Sunday, 28 April. This event was in the spotlight of local media.…
  • Apr 23 / 2019
  • News

RSLab at Trento Film Festival

RSLab is involved in the 67th edition of “Trento Film Festival”, an international event focused on mountains and cultures organized every year in Trento. This year the focus is on climate change, slow walking and mountaineering.…
  • Feb 01 / 2019
  • News

Climate Research Community First Virtual Meeting

The High Resolution LandCover (HRLC) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project funded by ESA invites the Climate Research Community members to participate in the first virtual meeting that will take place on Friday, 8th of February 2019 from 2pm to 4 pm.…

Climate Change and Remote Sensing: RSLab on the Press

Interview of Prof. Bruzzone on the European Space Agency project that RSLab is coordinating on the use of remote sensing satellites for land cover mapping for climate change monitoring and analysis. The interview is published on the national magazine “La Nuova…

New Big Data Project on Climate Change

RSLab is the coordinator of an important new project of European Space Agency (ESA) funded in the framework of the Climate Change Initiative, which is the flagship scientific program of ESA. This is the first project of this important program that has an Italian…