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The progress in the development of the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) in the framework of the Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE) of the European Space Agency and the recent successful achievements are briefly highlighted from the local and national newspapers. Continue Reading

The paper “A Data-Driven Identification of Growth-Model Classes for the Adaptive Estimation on Single-Tree Stem Diameter In LiDAR Data”  by Claudia Paris and Lorenzo Bruzzone got the very prestigious Symposium Prize Paper Award (SPPA) at the International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IGARSS 2016) hold in July 2016 in Beijing, China. The paper was “judged to be of exceptional merit” and resulted the winner out of more than 1000 papers presented in the oral sessions at the symposium. The award consists of  certificate and honorarium (US$1250).

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The Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) on-board the JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer) mission successfully passed the Preliminary Design Review (PDR). The PDR  is a key milestone for the development of the radar. The review process has been very articulated. It started in mid July 2016 and ended on 14-15 December 2016 with a co-location meeting in ESA-ESTEC (Noordwjik).
The overall instrument review was conducted by the European Space Agency (with the support of Airbus, the JUICE spacecraft Prime Contractor). The process involved as key events: i) the Italian Space Agency review for the Digital Electronic Unit (Rome, 16 November 2016), and ii) the NASA review for the Transmitter, Receiver and Matching Network Units (Pasadena, US, 29-39 November 2016). The RIME team successfully completed all the steps.

Daniele Marinelli and Manuel Bertoluzza received on 12 December the certificates and the prizes for the 2015 Best Italian Theses on remote sensing. The prizes were awarded by the Italian Chapter of the prestigious IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.
The prizes were presented by Prof, Antonio Iodice who is the chapter chair.

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The November 2016 issue of the “Focus” magazine includes an article on planetary oceans which contains an interview to Prof. Bruzzone in relation to the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) on the JUICE (JUpiter ICy moon Explorer) mission of European Space Agency. The interview addresses the capability of RIME to discover oceans in the interior of the Jupiter icy moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

Leonardo Carrer (PhD student at RSLab) won the 2016 Best Student Paper Award at the “SPIE Conference on Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring”, Edinburgh, UK, 26-29September 2016 with the paper  “A bat-inspired technique for clutter reduction in radar sounder systems”

RSLab is the Coordinator (Principal Investigator) of STRATUS (SaTellite Radar sounder for eArTh sUb-surface Sensing), which is a new satellite mission concept based on a radar sounder for Earth Observation. STRATUS aims at studying for the first time from satellite the subsurface of the Earth. STRATUS main goals are the 3D monitoring at global scale of both icy areas (including Antarctica, Arctic and large glaciers) and desert areas. The project, funded by the Italian Space Agency, aims at studying and further developing the mission concept and the radar payload.