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A research developed at RSLab has been published on the very prestigious Nature Communication scientific journal. The paper “Solving for Ambiguities in Radar Geophysical Exploration of Planetary Bodies by Mimicking Bats Echolocation” by L. Carrer and L. Bruzzone presents a novel approach inspired to bats echolocation developed to solve ambiguities in the echo signals of planetary radars received from subsurface of celestial bodies.
Nature Communications is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in all areas of the biological, physical, engineering, chemical and Earth sciences. Papers published by the journal aim to represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.

Link to the article http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02334-1

More details available on the national and regional press

Another key milestone toward the implementation of the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) has been achieved.

The industrial contract for building the Flight Model of the instrument has kicked-off in the past days. RIME is developed in the framework of the Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE) mission of the European Space Agency under the scientific leadership of RSLab (Principal Investigator: Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone).

More details available on the national and regional press.

Francesca Bovolo is recipient of the Outstanding Editorial Board Member award for the Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS). JARS is a international scientific journal
published by the SPIE international society for optics and photonics.

Lorenzo Bruzzone has been elected as member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society for the term 1 January 2018 – 31 December 2020.
The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society is a very prestigious and leading institution in the fields of radar and remote sensing. It is part of the Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineering (IEEE). The election of the new three members of the Administrative Committee of the society took place in the Summer 2017. More than 3500 members all over the world where enabled to participate to the ballot.

A field test has been recently carried out on the antenna of the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration – RIME (Principal Investigator: Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone) that will be on board the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE).
The test was conducted using a helicopter operating out of a glider airport in Heiligenberg, close to Friedrichshafen, Germany. To measure key characteristics of the antenna and to verify software simulations, the 17 meters carbon fiber dipole antenna was mounted on a simplified mock-up of the spacecraft and hung 150 m below the helicopter, which hovered between 50 and 320 m above the ground. The test was successful and provided very important data for optimizing the RIME design. A video of the experiment is available here .
For more details and interviews see European Space Agency (ESA) and Italian Space Agency (ASI) press release at the link below.

The paper “Detection of Lunar Lava Tubes with Orbiting Radar Sounder Systems,” by L. Carrer, C. Gerekos and L. Bruzzone (presented at the European Planetary Science Congress 201, Riga, Latvia) has raised large interest not only in the scientific community but also on the international press. The paper presents a study for an orbiting radar sounder for the detection of subsurface lava tubes on the Moon. Lunar lava tubes detection is considered a crucial step toward the construction of a possible base on the Moon.

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ESA is moving forward with the development of the JUICE mission in which RSLab is the Principal Investigator of the “Radar for Icy Moon Exploration” (RIME). This week JUICE is the Space Science Image of the Week and the official JUICE poster has been published. Continue Reading

Begüm Demir got the very prestigious ERC (European Research Council) Starting Grant with the Project “BigEarth – Accurate and Scalable Processing of Big Data in Earth Observation.” The ERC Starting Grant is given to promising early-career researchers with 2 to 7 years experience after PhD and is based on a very challenging review procedure. The project is awarded for 5 years for the period 2018-2022.