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Posts Tagged / ESA

JUICE and RIME on Science

A Science Magazine article looks at ESA’s JUICE mission and RIME, the ice-penetrating radar studied and developed under the leadership ofthe RSLab. JUICE will reach Jupiter in more than 7 years and spend 3 years…

Italian Contribution to JUICE

The very important italian contribution to the JUICE mission has been presented to the italian press in Florence on March 10th. RIME (Radar for Icy Moon Exploration) has been presented as a key instrument for revealing the mysteries hidden in the subsurface of…
  • Feb 11 / 2023
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Women in Science

FBK celebrates the Women in Science day with Francesca Bovolo. ESA JUICE mission will soon start its journey. Destination? Ganymede! Read more about

EnVision aerobreaking around Venus atmosphere

ESA Envision mission (in which RSLab has the leadership of the Subsurface Radar Sounder)  is currently in B1 study phase. Among the different activities in progress, specific attention is focused on the aerobreaking phase around Venus, in which the spacecraft will…
  • Mar 11 / 2022
  • News

New test of the ENVISION SRS antenna

A model of the candidate antenna for SRS  – Subsurface Radar Sounder (Principal Investigator: Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone) has been recently tested by SENER in Spain. The test consisted in suspending the SRS antenna and a full-sized mockup of the EnVision spacecraft…

RSLab: Destination Venus

European Space Agency has selected in the past weeks the EnVision mission to Venus as the M5 mission of the Comsic Vision programme. RSLab has the leadership of the Subsurface Radar Sounder (SRS) for Envision.                                   …
  • May 19 / 2021
  • News

Making JUICE Mission – Episode 4

The development of the JUICE mission (for which RSLab has the responsibility of the RIME instrument) is progressing fast despite the pandemic situation. This video shows the arrival of the spacecraft at ESTEC for the start of the one year long testing campaing.…