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Posts Tagged / Earth Observation

  • Nov 07 / 2016
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STRATUS mission concept project approved!

RSLab is the Coordinator (Principal Investigator) of STRATUS (SaTellite Radar sounder for eArTh sUb-surface Sensing), which is a new satellite mission concept based on a radar sounder for Earth Observation. STRATUS aims at studying for the first time from satellite…
  • Nov 10 / 2015
  • News

New project on remote sensing and data fusion for cryosphere

The project CRYOMON-SciPro (Improve the Science of Processes within the Cryosphere by Integrating Hydrological Modelling with Remote Sensing in a Multi-Level Data Fusion Approach – a Contribution to Cryosphere Monitoring in the EUREGIO Region) has been…
  • Nov 02 / 2015
  • News

RSLab involved in a new project on Radar

RSLab is involved on a new project approved by Italian Space Agency on the development of an airborne radar with both nadir looking sounding and synthetic aperture imaging capabilities.…