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Posts By / Massimo Santoni

RSLab @ “The Irish Time” newspaper

University of Trento and RSLab activities have been presented in an article published on “The Irish Time” newspaper with the title: “Building a Silicon Valley in the Italian Alps”. See

Life on Jupiter?

Interview of Lorenzo Bruzzone on the Rardar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) for ESA JUICE mission. SBS Radio (Australian National State Radio), sabato 17 agosto 2013, di Dario Castaldo
  • Aug 06 / 2013
  • News

RIME-JUICE @ Australian National State Radio

August 2013 – Interview of Lorenzo Bruzzone at the SBS Radio (Australian National State Radio) on the Rardar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) for ESA JUICE mission. For more information go to

The Earth from above

Interview of Lorenzo Bruzzone on the IEEE Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing held in Melbourne in July 2013 SBS Radio (Australian National State Radio), venerdì 1 agosto 2013, di Dario Castaldo

Honors and Awards

Lorenzo Bruzzone was awarded with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Canadian Remote Sensing Society with the following motivation “With gratitude for your pioneering contribution to the Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images…