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Posts By / Lorenzo Bruzzone

IEEE Featured Author

Lorenzo Bruzzone has been selected as “Featured Author” from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE). His profile is one of the three highlighted in the home page of the

RSLab at the Top in the 2020 Gaofen Challenge

A team led by Ding Lei (PhD student at RSLab)  won the 2nd place in the ‘2020 Gaofen Challenge on Automated High-Resolution Earth Observation Image Interpretation‘ in the subject ‘Automatic Classification of…

Akshara Preethy Byju got PhD

On Tuesday Ocotber 20th, Akshara Preethy Byju succesfully defended her PhD Theses on “Advanced Methods for Content Based Image Retrieval and Scene Classification in JPEG 2000 Compressed Remote Sensing Image Archives”.…

New H2020 project at RSLab

RSLab got an important new project in the framework of the very challenging ICT call of Horizon 2020 “Artificial Intelligence on demand platform” of European Commission. The title of the projecy is  “AI4Copernicus: Reinforcing the AI4EU Platform by…
  • Oct 04 / 2020
  • News

Making JUICE Mission – Episode 2

The development  of the  JUICE mission (for which RSLab has the responsibility of the RIME instrument) is progressing fast despite the pandemic situation. A video showing the activities in progress at spacecraft level can be found

Invited Talk

Lorenzo Bruzzone will give an invited talk at Microwave and Radar Institute of DLR (German Aerospace Center) on Friday, April 7, 2020.…

RSLab Numbers in 2019

RSLab achieved important research results in 2019 on both Earth Observation and Planetary Exploration and the related topics.