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Posts By / Lorenzo Bruzzone

New accessible conduit detected on the subsurface of the Moon

A study, under the leadership of RSLab, has proven for the first time the existance of an accessible conduit at the bottom of a lunar Pit in the Tranbquility Sea. This has been possible by re-analayzing a synthetic aperture radar image acquired in 2010 by the Lunar…

RSLab @ “Riflessi di Scienza”

A long interview has been published on the podcast “Reflessi di Scienza” relating to space research developed at RSLab on planetary exploration and Earth observation. The interview also…

New Maps of Land Cover for Climate Change

Time serie of high resolution land-cover maps are crucial for assessing changes in the land-cover patterns that either can affect or be induced by climate change. RSLab has the leadership of the

RSLab on the TV Media

The RSLab hosts the Science Operation Center of the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) on board the European Space Agency (ESA) JUICE mission to the Jupiter system. This…

Life on Jupiter icy moons

The exploration of the icy moons of Jupiter is one of the most exciting frontiers of planetary research that will be crossed in the next decade.…

Marmolada winter campaign with GPR

Alpine glaciers are suffering the climate change. RSLab in collaboration with the Risk Prevention and Cue Service and the Geological Service of the Province of Trento and thanks to the support of the Helicopter Unit of the Permanent Fire Brigade of Trento,  is…

EnVision and RSLab on the Media

The EnVision mission to Venus and the activities of RSLab in planetary exploration and Earth observation have been recently the focus of some national and regional media insights.…

RSLab numbers in 2023

RSLab was involved in many activities in 2023 on both Earth Observation and Planetary Exploration. The most relevant one was the launch of the ESA JUICE mission with on board the Radar for Icy Moons Exploration (RIME) developed under the PI-ship of RSLab.…

New lunar surface chemical map

RSLab contributed to a research published on Nature Communication that gained visibility on the international media. This research produced a new lunar surface chemical map by using artificial…

High Quality Research Award 2023

Lorenzo Bruzzone received the prestigious 2023 Award for Best Quality Research from the University of Trento with the following main motivation “For distinction in research activities on remote sensing, radar, signal…