At the Jubilee 30th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) 2022, held in Belgrade on 15-16 November 2022 paper entitled “A multispectral acquisition system for potential detection of Flavescence dorée”. The article briefly describes the MCAPEFA project’s goal with an overview of, at that time, the state of the camera and data acquisition for testing the possibility of Flavescence dorée.
Reference to the paper: M. Barjaktarović, M. Santoni, M. Faralli, M. Bertamini, and L. Bruzzone, “A multispectral acquisition system for potential detection of Flavescence dorée,” in Proceeding of 2022 30th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 15-16, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/TELFOR56187.2022.9983685.
The accepted version of the paper is available from the following link.
As the paper was classified in the distinguished group of 20% of papers eligible for publication in the 15th volume of TELFOR Journal, an expanded version “Data acquisition for testing potential detection of Flavescence dorée with a designed, affordable multispectral camera” is available here.

During the 2023 MCAA Annual Conference and General Assembly, held on February 23-24, as a Lightning Talk, a short overview of the MCAPEFA project and current results were presented.
Green Agenda

Green Agenda
In Belgrade, from 20th to 22nd June 2023, the conference GREEN AGENDA FOR WESTERN BALKANS was held as a part of the EU-funded project GreenFORCE. A presentation about the MCAFEFA project and the successful classification of healthy and infected leaves with Flavescence dorée was given at the conference.

Data Science Week 2023
From 26th to 28th June, in Frankfurt, was organized Data Science Week. It was interesting with many presentations from different fields where Data Science and AI are applied. A talk about using Machine Learning for Flavescence dorée detecting using Hyperspectral Imaging was given during the conference.

During IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), held from 19th to 21st July 2023, a paper, “Potential detection of Flavescence dorée in the vineyard using close-range hyperspectral imaging,” was presented.
The accepted version of the paper is available from the following link.

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
The paper “Design and Verification of a Low-Cost Multispectral Camera for Precision Agriculture Application”, describes all steps in the process of designing and testing the proposed multispectral device, was published at the end of March 2024, and is available online at the following link.