Trento, 05-10-2021
Presentation to the University of Trento students whose take courses in Remote sensing was given about the MCAPEFA project’s goals and how multispectral imaging can be used to solve some agriculture challenges.

Trento, 17-12-2021
During this meeting with all members of RSLab, which was online due to Covid restrictions, the goal and initial plan of activities were presented. An exciting discussion with several questions about the research followed the presentation. Also, members of RSLab gave a few valuable suggestions on how to improve some activities.

Belgrade (online), 18-12-2021
A detailed presentation about the MCAPEFA project with an introduction to multispectral imaging was given to the student in the fourth year of the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade.

Trento, 14-04-2022
During the Spring and Summer of 2022, The Doctoral Programme in Information Engineering and Computer Science (IECS) of the University of Trento organized several webinars () to provide the opportunity for Ph.D. students to learn the success stories of some of the most talented researchers in the world. One was: Getting MSCA IF project “MCAPEFA” at the University of Trento. This talk describes all undertaken activities which resulted in receiving an EU H2020 grant for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) individual fellowship (IF). First, a brief overview of the MSCA IF program was presented, followed by the application procedure. All aspects of the MCAPEFA were described in detail. The first submission of the MCAPEFA proposal was rejected in 2020 with a score of 79.3%, and during the resubmission process, all weaknesses of the first proposal were improved, which resulted in a score of 94.4% in 2021. All these weak points of the first proposal were described, and how they have been improved was explained. In the final part of the seminar, initial activities, current findings, and future steps of the MCAPEFA project was shortly presented.a

Pavia, 30-09-2022
On 30th September 2022, the University of Pavia organized Researcher’s Night, where the MCAPEFA project was presented. The MCAPEFA project and the activities of RSLab caused a lot of interest and curiosity.

Stuttgart, from 04-10-2022 to 06-10-2022
VISION 2022 is the industry’s most important international meeting point for getting knowledge about the latest products, technologies, and trends in machine vision. It is held biannually at Stuttgart, and it is an opportunity to find news about hyperspectral, multispectral imaging, deep learning, and other popular topics. Also, during this fair, several contacts were made with the aim to present and discuss with the exhibitors about the MCAPEFA camera and project, how it can be improved, and what can be new applications of the MCAPEFA camera.

Trento, 25-10-2022
At the beginning of academic year 2022/2023 a presentation to the students whose take courses in Remote sensing was held about current MCAPEFA results together with demonstration of image acquisition. There were many question about construction of multispectral camera, band reconstruction and code for controlling all components.

Belgrade, 16-11-2022 and 17-11-2022
On 16th and 17th November 2022, two lectures, both to the students of University of Trento were given. The first one was dedicated to the students of first and second years of studies, but also to general audience. It started with a brief introduction to the field of remote sensing, pointing out the possibilities of its application in precision agriculture, and following with all stages of development of multispectral camera. The second lecture was for the student of for year who took course “Image Processing Systems” and it contains much more details about multispectral imaging and applications. Also, the latest experiments conducted in order to investigate the possibility of early detection of the disease of the vine “Flavescence dorée” using prototypes of the device was presented.

Trento, 27-01-2023
At the end of January 2023, a meeting of all members of the RSLab was organized, with the aim to inform all members about activities and ongoing projects in RSLab. One part of the meeting was dedicated to the MCAPEFA project when conducted and planed activities were discussed.

Parma, 24-05-2023
SPS Italia is an annual fair where it is possible to learn about new trends and discuss the most challenging issues of industrial automation. It was an opportunity to present the MCAPEFA camera and discuss some potential uses of its with manufacturers of Machine Vision components and systems like Basler, Opto-Engineering, Zebra, Specim, etc.

Belgrade, 20-06-2023
On Tuesday, June 20th, 2023, a presentation was held at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. It was dedicated not only to the students but also to a broader audience. The introductory part brought a brief overview of the remote sensing field and an overview of the most important research conducted by the remote sensing laboratory of the University of Trent, with reference to the launch of satellites aimed at exploring Jupiter’s moons. After that, the latest version of the developed multispectral camera was described. In the final part of the presentation, the collection of data by a hyperspectral camera in two vineyards was shown, as well as the results of the detection of vine disease “Flavescence dorée” based on the collected data.